CaptainN: How did you come up with the idea for the franchise?
Andrew: To be honest I've always been skeptical of ghosts. The subject has
always fascinated me, but without empirical data, I couldn't believe. Back in my college days I was doing some investigative reporting on local haunts in the
Murfreesboro, TN area for the school paper- in particular I was researching a woman whose youthful imaginary friend had turned out to be a ghost. The story
checked out, right down to the history of the house, the past owners and a certain entry into the logs of a graveyard. When I went to visit the home to
photograph it, I managed to convince the current resident to let me inside. On one set of my exposures, two photos taken consecutively; one showed a strange
glowing sphere and the other did not. That was enough for future investigation. |
Albert: It was all Andrew Tim and Matt's idea for the franchise. Although I'd
like to think that my high school friendship with Andy helped push him in the direction of paranormal elimination. Our senior year we made a trip to Adams
Tennessee to investigate the Bell Witch, the rest is history...Andy still doesn’t like to talk about the giant hairless dog we encountered there. |
CaptainN: Where are you located in Tennessee? |
Andrew: Our services cover the middle Tennessee area, including Nashville, Murfreesboro, Lebanon, Dickson
and Hartsville. We recently relocated our offices to downtown Nashville so that we are closer to all our coverage areas. |
Albert: It’s a real killer, Tennessee is a big state. We’ve tossed around the possibility of another office and
more help. Maybe “East Tennessee Ghostbusters”? Who knows? |
CaptainN: How many busts have you been on? |
Andrew: We are not at liberty to give an exact number of busts we've made, as that might give certain federal
agencies the idea to calculate how close we've come to filling the maximum capacity of our containment unit. I can say that we have hundreds of happy customers on
our client list. |
Albert: Well, I just joined in May 2000 so I haven't been on nearly as many as Andrew or the other guys. But if
I had to put a number to it, I'd probably have to say I've been on XX or so busts. |
CaptainN: Do people ask you weird questions, or give you strange looks? |
Andrew: Most of the time when people call us they've already seen the weird stuff; so the strange looks- no.
As for weird questions, when Tim was a single man the chicks kept asking him out for dates. Go figure. |
Albert: Oh yeah. We get just about everything you can imagine. But mostly people love us; they stop us on the street
and want their picture made with us. They want their picture made with the car, and the gear. And they ask things like, "What's that red button do?" or "
Will you let me shoot something?" |
CaptainN: Will you do anything special if GB comes out again in 2004? |
Andrew: It's documented that the release of the second movie caused a massive upsurge in spectral activity.
I think that the level of spectral activity pretty much stays the same all the time but when the movies are out it becomes in vogue to talk about ghosts and goblins-
so if they re-release the film I expect to be very, very busy. |
Albert: If the original gets re-released in theaters I'd get dressed up in my uniform and gear and go. Of course I'd
have to buy two tickets because I'd have to set the proton pack in the seat next to's heavy and very hard to sit down in. But just for the record, I don't think it'll happen.
Sony/Columbia doesn't know how to market it properly and have effectively killed the GB franchise. I think it would be extremely difficult for it to make a comeback. |
CaptainN: What do you guys do in your spare time?
Andrew: I've recently been performing experiments in spectral transference through modern telecommunications devices.
Ghosts are all ,more or less, energy forms, and as such after capture could be compressed and uploaded to a central containment unit, such as an orbital satellite, which would make the
possibility of home ghost busting kits a possibility. Watch for our late night infomercials soon! |
Albert: I tinker with the equipment quite a bit, and I practice a little stage
magic when I can. Recently I’ve been working on the Ecto-VW…new seat covers, carpet, speedometer cable, rear bumper, oil leak, replaced fuses, stuff like that. |
CaptainN: Are any of you married? If so what do your wives and extended family think?
Andrew: I am married and my wife worries about me out on the job. It can be
dangerous work, and she hates getting ecto stains out of my uniform! |
Albert: I've been married for nearly eight years and have two kids. My wife thinks I'm a huge dork, and my family just thinks it's weird. |
CaptainN: Do you get any prank calls? |
Andrew: There was a group of teens that got a hold of our number one night, but we traced the call and with the help of some mood slime set their telephone out
to get them. Needless to say the owner of the phone wasn't very happy, but those kids won't be making any more prank phone calls- and maybe any more calls at all. |
Albert: Inactive MTGB member Matt James frequently sends us prank e-mails. We also get a lot of calls from people who think they have a haunting but it turns
out to have a perfectly normal explanation (faulty wiring, leaky pipes, etc.). |
CaptainN: If they were to make another GB film would you go out to Columbia Pictures and try out for roles, or as extras? |
Andrew: I'd be interested in helping with the technical side, and possibly in a small cameo roll. |
Albert: Sure, why not. I think it'd be a hoot if we got cast in a Ghostbusters sequel. Andy would make a great young Egon! |
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